Community investment that makes an impact
From sponsorships for community festivals and arts-groups to funding for smaller infrastructure projects and social responsibility programing, Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries helps support a wide range of initiatives that contribute to the quality of life in our province. If you are a Manitoba based charitable or not-for-profit organization, you may be eligible for sponsorship or funding. Please use this page to quickly find out more about eligibility and the types of support available through MBLL. Manitoba let's do something good together!

We consider sponsorship requests for events that align with our core business interests and promote quality of life in Manitoba through support of the arts, culture, sport, community, health, social causes, sustainability, diversity, and inclusion. Funding is provided under the following program areas:
- General Sponsorships
- Community Festivals
- Golf Program
Here's how we helped in 2022/23:
- $1.9 million – community funding
- 379 - Community, non-profit and charitable organizations supported
- 4,973 – Employee volunteer hours
- $12.7 million Social responsibility programs
Program Eligibility
To save you time, please check your organization’s eligibility before applying to a program. The following applies to all of our programs.
- Meeting the following criteria does not guarantee approval for sponsorship/donation.
- In order to maximize our program funding across Manitoba, multiple requests for the same fundraising goal will generally not be considered.
To be considered, the applying organization must meet the following criteria:
- be Manitoba based or have a Manitoba division/chapter;
- have a Canada Revenue Agency registered charity number or be a registered non-profit organization. Consideration will be given to community organizations applying to the Festival Program, host committees for major events taking place in Manitoba, and organizations that have a direct business relationship with Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- be able to demonstrate sound financial practices.
In addition, the event must:
- be accessible to the general public and directed toward the community at large;
- provide significant economic gains for the host community;
- be viable without continued support from Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- the majority of funds raised must stay in the Province of Manitoba and primarily benefit Manitobans.
- for-profit organizations;
- third-party fundraising events;
- events targeted primarily to children;
- research projects;
- core funding and/or ongoing operational costs;
- endowment campaigns or projects;
- political parties, political initiatives or candidates;
- organizations with a controversial mission;
- national or international initiatives where Manitoba is not the host;
- religious organizations that limit accessibility and community inclusion;
- individual or team pursuits (e.g. wedding socials, trips);
- events/organizations of a narrow scope, e.g. limited audience and demographic;
- fraternal organizations;
- advocacy organizations; and
- community club teams and events (e.g. Scouts, choirs, bands, athletic tournaments).
Sponsorship requests will also be evaluated for promotional and strategic fit. The event should meet one or more of the following criteria:
- provide significant activation and branding opportunities;
- provide recognition and benefits to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries and demonstrate a reasonable return on financial investment or corporate image;
- reach a target audience specific to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' business objectives and provide opportunities to promote our product brands;
- have a direct business relationship to one or more of Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries’ business units or product lines;
- provide an opportunity for social responsibility messaging;
- provide an opportunity for gaming or beverage alcohol product education;
- provide a volunteer opportunity for Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' employees.
Small Capital Sponsorship Program
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries is proud to provide funding for small capital projects that benefit communities across our province.
Designed to support not-for-profit and charitable funding projects, Small Capital Sponsorship Program funds cover up to 50% of the total project cost, beginning at $2,500 (minimum) up to $30,000 (maximum).
Eligibility Criteria
The Small Capital Sponsorship Program is open to organizations and projects that meet eligibility requirements, including:
- must be a registered charitable or not-for-profit organization
- organization and associated project must be based in Manitoba
- organization must be able to demonstrate sound financial practices
- the project must provide an obvious benefit to the community
- the project must be broad based and generally accessible.
Please review our Basic Eligibility section located below for further information prior to applying.
Intake Periods
Online applications for the Small Capital Sponsorship Program will only be accepted during specific intake periods. They are as follows:
- Intake Periods for 2025:
- January 1 - March 1, 2025
How to apply
Online applications will only be accepted during the noted intake periods. Supporting documents are required and may be uploaded at the end of the application process.
Step 1:
Review our eligibility criteria to ensure your organization/project qualifies for funding.
Step 2:
Download and complete the Small Capital Sponsorship Program Application form. Save the completed form to your computer.
Small Capital Sponsorship Program Application form
Step 3:
Prepare and scan the necessary documentation to support your application. These are important pieces that will be used to assess your project:
- Project Budget (including estimates/quotes)
- Project overview
- Project timeline
- Partnership value and benefits to the corporation
- Articles of Incorporation
- Audited financial statements and/or bank statements
Step 4:
During an open intake period, start your online application by completing the sponsorship questionnaire. Once completed, upload and attach your completed Small Capital Sponsorship Program Application form from Step 2, along with all supporting documentation gathered in Step 3. Incomplete applications may be disqualified.
Please note that any organization that has been approved for Small Capital Sponsorship must wait two (2) years before re-applying for another project.
We will strive to assist as many of the eligible requests as possible, however, we may be unable to support every application for sponsorship.
Inquiries can be directed to: MBLLCommunitySupport@mbll.ca
Program Eligibility
To save you time, please check your organization’s eligibility before applying to a program. The following applies to all of our programs.
- Meeting the following criteria does not guarantee approval for sponsorship/donation.
- In order to maximize our program funding across Manitoba, multiple requests for the same fundraising goal will generally not be considered.
To be considered, the applying organization must meet the following criteria:
- be Manitoba based or have a Manitoba division/chapter;
- have a Canada Revenue Agency registered charity number or be a registered non-profit organization. Consideration will be given to community organizations applying to the Festival Program, host committees for major events taking place in Manitoba, and organizations that have a direct business relationship with Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- be able to demonstrate sound financial practices.
In addition, the event must:
- be accessible to the general public and directed toward the community at large;
- provide significant economic gains for the host community;
- be viable without continued support from Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- the majority of funds raised must stay in the Province of Manitoba and primarily benefit Manitobans.
- for-profit organizations;
- third-party fundraising events;
- events targeted primarily to children;
- research projects;
- core funding and/or ongoing operational costs;
- endowment campaigns or projects;
- political parties, political initiatives or candidates;
- organizations with a controversial mission;
- national or international initiatives where Manitoba is not the host;
- religious organizations that limit accessibility and community inclusion;
- individual or team pursuits (e.g. wedding socials, trips);
- events/organizations of a narrow scope, e.g. limited audience and demographic;
- fraternal organizations;
- advocacy organizations; and
- community club teams and events (e.g. Scouts, choirs, bands, athletic tournaments).
Sponsorship requests will also be evaluated for promotional and strategic fit. The event should meet one or more of the following criteria:
- provide significant activation and branding opportunities;
- provide recognition and benefits to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries and demonstrate a reasonable return on financial investment or corporate image;
- reach a target audience specific to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' business objectives and provide opportunities to promote our product brands;
- have a direct business relationship to one or more of Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries’ business units or product lines;
- provide an opportunity for social responsibility messaging;
- provide an opportunity for gaming or beverage alcohol product education;
- provide a volunteer opportunity for Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' employees.
Golf Program
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries is proud to support various charitable and community-based organizations through golf tournaments held each summer in Manitoba communities. These popular events bring people together from diverse organizations in support of worthwhile causes to enjoy a fun-filled day on the links.
Deadline to apply is January 31, 2025
Program Eligibility
To save you time, please check your organization’s eligibility before applying to a program. The following applies to all of our programs.
- Meeting the following criteria does not guarantee approval for sponsorship/donation.
- In order to maximize our program funding across Manitoba, multiple requests for the same fundraising goal will generally not be considered.
To be considered, the applying organization must meet the following criteria:
- be Manitoba based or have a Manitoba division/chapter;
- have a Canada Revenue Agency registered charity number or be a registered non-profit organization. Consideration will be given to community organizations applying to the Festival Program, host committees for major events taking place in Manitoba, and organizations that have a direct business relationship with Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- be able to demonstrate sound financial practices.
In addition, the event must:
- be accessible to the general public and directed toward the community at large;
- provide significant economic gains for the host community;
- be viable without continued support from Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- the majority of funds raised must stay in the Province of Manitoba and primarily benefit Manitobans.
- for-profit organizations;
- third-party fundraising events;
- events targeted primarily to children;
- research projects;
- core funding and/or ongoing operational costs;
- endowment campaigns or projects;
- political parties, political initiatives or candidates;
- organizations with a controversial mission;
- national or international initiatives where Manitoba is not the host;
- religious organizations that limit accessibility and community inclusion;
- individual or team pursuits (e.g. wedding socials, trips);
- events/organizations of a narrow scope, e.g. limited audience and demographic;
- fraternal organizations;
- advocacy organizations; and
- community club teams and events (e.g. Scouts, choirs, bands, athletic tournaments).
Sponsorship requests will also be evaluated for promotional and strategic fit. The event should meet one or more of the following criteria:
- provide significant activation and branding opportunities;
- provide recognition and benefits to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries and demonstrate a reasonable return on financial investment or corporate image;
- reach a target audience specific to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' business objectives and provide opportunities to promote our product brands;
- have a direct business relationship to one or more of Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries’ business units or product lines;
- provide an opportunity for social responsibility messaging;
- provide an opportunity for gaming or beverage alcohol product education;
- provide a volunteer opportunity for Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' employees.
We consider donation requests for charitable and non-profit organizations under the following program areas:
- Asset Donation Program – provides charitable and non-profit organizations the opportunity to apply for used items no longer in use by our business.
- Prize Donation Program – provides promotional gift cards for charitable/non-profit fundraising events at one of MBLL Lines of Business (Liquor Mart or Casinos of Winnipeg).
- Coin Box Program – provides opportunity for charitable organizations to raise funds through coin boxes located in Manitoba Liquor Marts and Casinos of Winnipeg locations for a one-month period. Please note: you will be contacted if your organization has been selected. For more information please see our Coin Box Program FAQ

Program Eligibility
To save you time, please check your organization’s eligibility before applying to a program. The following applies to all of our programs.
- Meeting the following criteria does not guarantee approval for sponsorship/donation.
- In order to maximize our program funding across Manitoba, multiple requests for the same fundraising goal will generally not be considered.
To be considered, the applying organization must meet the following criteria:
- be Manitoba based or have a Manitoba division/chapter;
- have a Canada Revenue Agency registered charity number or be a registered non-profit organization. Consideration will be given to community organizations applying to the Festival Program, host committees for major events taking place in Manitoba, and organizations that have a direct business relationship with Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- be able to demonstrate sound financial practices.
In addition, the event must:
- be accessible to the general public and directed toward the community at large;
- provide significant economic gains for the host community;
- be viable without continued support from Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- the majority of funds raised must stay in the Province of Manitoba and primarily benefit Manitobans.
- for-profit organizations;
- third-party fundraising events;
- events targeted primarily to children;
- research projects;
- core funding and/or ongoing operational costs;
- endowment campaigns or projects;
- political parties, political initiatives or candidates;
- organizations with a controversial mission;
- national or international initiatives where Manitoba is not the host;
- religious organizations that limit accessibility and community inclusion;
- individual or team pursuits (e.g. wedding socials, trips);
- events/organizations of a narrow scope, e.g. limited audience and demographic;
- fraternal organizations;
- advocacy organizations; and
- community club teams and events (e.g. Scouts, choirs, bands, athletic tournaments).
Sponsorship requests will also be evaluated for promotional and strategic fit. The event should meet one or more of the following criteria:
- provide significant activation and branding opportunities;
- provide recognition and benefits to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries and demonstrate a reasonable return on financial investment or corporate image;
- reach a target audience specific to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' business objectives and provide opportunities to promote our product brands;
- have a direct business relationship to one or more of Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries’ business units or product lines;
- provide an opportunity for social responsibility messaging;
- provide an opportunity for gaming or beverage alcohol product education;
- provide a volunteer opportunity for Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' employees.
Applications for Sponsorship Programs | Community Festival Program
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries believes community support is about strengthening vital connections with people and their neighbourhoods. We believe making a valuable contribution to the community adds up to more than dollars and cents. Our Community Support and funding programs allows us to partner on projects which add lasting value for communities.
We will consider sponsorship requests for event-based initiatives that align with our core business interests and promote quality of life in Manitoba through the support of arts, culture, sport, community, health, social causes, sustainability, diversity, and broad-based provincial initiatives. Funding is provided under the following program areas:
- General Sponsorships
- Community Festivals
- Golf Program
All applications should be submitted at least 90 business days prior to an event. Please note the following deadlines:
Community Festivals: January 31st for festivals that occur from April through March the following year.
Golf Program: January 31st for tournaments that occur the following golf season.
Although requests are considered on an ongoing basis, all organizations interested in partnering with us are asked to submit only one proposal per year.
Please note: If you are applying for the Community Festival Program, you will not be contacted until April.
To help us review your request and respond to you without delay, please ensure your proposal is comprehensive by completing the questionnaire and attaching any further detailed documents when prompted.
We respond to most requests for financial support within 30 business days. If your application has been declined, the reasons will be clearly stated.
Please note that requests by telephone may be declined verbally, and that requests by mass mailout to a generic address may not be acknowledged.
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries requires you to fill out this web questionnaire. If you want to preview what is needed from us, you can preview the questionnaire by clicking on Printable Form at top right. Please do not mail or fax. Thank you for considering us as a potential partner. We wish all organizations success with their events.
Privacy Notice: Personal information being collected by Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries as it relates specifically to the management and accounting of the Sponsorship Program is confidentially maintained in accordance with the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Any questions regarding the collection or management of this information should be directed to the Privacy Compliance Officer, Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries, 1390 Pacific, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3E 3R9 or phone 204-957-2500 ext. 2552.
How to apply:
- Review the Basic Eligibility criteria above.
- Click on the ‘Apply Here’ link below to start your online submission. At the end of the application, you will have a chance to upload any supporting documentation, including the form you filled out in Step 2.
Apply here for our Festival Program
- Fill out your festival shirt information using the link below.
Program Eligibility
To save you time, please check your organization’s eligibility before applying to a program. The following applies to all of our programs.
- Meeting the following criteria does not guarantee approval for sponsorship/donation.
- In order to maximize our program funding across Manitoba, multiple requests for the same fundraising goal will generally not be considered.
To be considered, the applying organization must meet the following criteria:
- be Manitoba based or have a Manitoba division/chapter;
- have a Canada Revenue Agency registered charity number or be a registered non-profit organization. Consideration will be given to community organizations applying to the Festival Program, host committees for major events taking place in Manitoba, and organizations that have a direct business relationship with Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- be able to demonstrate sound financial practices.
In addition, the event must:
- be accessible to the general public and directed toward the community at large;
- provide significant economic gains for the host community;
- be viable without continued support from Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries; and
- the majority of funds raised must stay in the Province of Manitoba and primarily benefit Manitobans.
- for-profit organizations;
- third-party fundraising events;
- events targeted primarily to children;
- research projects;
- core funding and/or ongoing operational costs;
- endowment campaigns or projects;
- political parties, political initiatives or candidates;
- organizations with a controversial mission;
- national or international initiatives where Manitoba is not the host;
- religious organizations that limit accessibility and community inclusion;
- individual or team pursuits (e.g. wedding socials, trips);
- events/organizations of a narrow scope, e.g. limited audience and demographic;
- fraternal organizations;
- advocacy organizations; and
- community club teams and events (e.g. Scouts, choirs, bands, athletic tournaments).
Sponsorship requests will also be evaluated for promotional and strategic fit. The event should meet one or more of the following criteria:
- provide significant activation and branding opportunities;
- provide recognition and benefits to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries and demonstrate a reasonable return on financial investment or corporate image;
- reach a target audience specific to Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' business objectives and provide opportunities to promote our product brands;
- have a direct business relationship to one or more of Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries’ business units or product lines;
- provide an opportunity for social responsibility messaging;
- provide an opportunity for gaming or beverage alcohol product education;
- provide a volunteer opportunity for Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries' employees.

- Volunteerism:
- Corporate Driven: Employees, alumni, and their friends and family can volunteer at various company-organized volunteer opportunities both at events we sponsor and/or with charitable organizations/groups who have established relationships with our employees or corporate philanthropic efforts through our Volunteer & Employee Giving Programs.
- Employee Driven: Employees can volunteer directly with causes they care about including registered charities or non-profits, or community sports groups of their choice. Beyond our employees’ initial generosity of volunteer time, goods collected, or monetary donations, our employees’ efforts can make a further impact two more times, which may include earning a corporate charitable donation or even donating gift cards to further support non-profit organizations in Manitoba.
- Annual Workplace Giving Campaign: Employees donate thousands of dollars to Canadian charities through payroll donations.
- Blood Donations: Through the Canadian Blood Services - Partners for Life program, our employees keep the blood supply strong in Manitoba by rolling up their sleeves to give the gift of life through blood donations.
- Participant Canvassing: Employees raise pledges from their personal network in support of their participation in a charitable fundraising event.
- Fundraising/Collection Drives: Employees can lead and coordinate peer-to-peer fundraising events and/or collection drives to raise monetary donations and collect urgently needed items to help charitable causes.